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Dental implants procedure can change your life. Imagine this:

You smile wide, but something seems off. There’s an empty space where your tooth should be. A wave of self-consciousness hits you and you quickly close your mouth.

It weighs down your confidence.

You may not fully grasp how significantly your smile boosts your life. Restoring it can lead to profound changes.

Let me explain the transformative power of solutions like dental implants.

Why Should You Replace Lost Teeth?

Losing teeth impacts far more than your appearance. It also harms oral health and life satisfaction. Replacing them is key for wellbeing.

Here’s why tooth replacement matters:

  • Prevent Bone Loss – Tooth roots integrate with the jawbone to strengthen it and enable regeneration. When teeth are lost, bone loss speeds up in those areas. This alters facial contours.
  • Avoid Teeth Shifting – Nearby and opposing teeth drift when a space is created. This impairs bite alignment and causes issues like chipped enamel or gum irritation.
  • Maintain Facial Shape – Teeth support facial tissues and bones. Losing teeth leads to premature wrinkling and drooping around the mouth.
  • Enable Clear Speech – Your tongue needs to touch teeth correctly during speech. Missing teeth reduce clarity and accuracy of pronunciation.
  • Restore Self-Esteem – Many feel embarrassed about gaps from lost teeth. Replacing them renews confidence and self-worth.
  • Regain Oral Function – Chewing, biting, and tasting decline without replacement teeth. This affects nutrition.

Don’t just “live with” missing teeth. Replace them with the best dental implants in San Antonio to uphold your health and satisfaction.

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How Dental Implants Procedure Works

For many patients, dental implants provide the ideal tooth replacement solution for comfort, function and longevity.

Let’s explore how implants can totally transform your smile and self-image:

Step 1: Evaluation

Your dentist will start with a thorough exam of your oral health. They will:

  • Inspect surrounding teeth, gums and bone
  • Take x-rays and make impressions of your mouth
  • Learn about your goals for restoration
  • Educate you on the process so you feel at ease

This step ensures your treatment is tailored for maximum gains.

Step 2: Implant Placement Surgery

After numbing the area, a small cut is made in the gums to access the jawbone. Using precision guides, the dentist drills sockets where the implant posts will embed. The titanium posts are screwed securely into the bone.

The gums are closed over the implants to enable proper fusion with the bone, called osseointegration. This commonly takes several months. Temporary dentures can be provided in the interim.

Step 3: Abutment and Crown Attachment

Once the implants fuse to the bone, they’re ready to support crowns. The dentist attaches extensions called abutments to the implanted posts. Custom crowns closely matching your natural teeth are fastened to the abutments.

Your restoration is now complete! The implants fuse so sturdily that crowns function just like real teeth.

Step 4: Renewed Smile and Wellbeing

With your new implants and crowns in place, your smile is whole again!

More importantly, this restoration brings profound improvements beyond aesthetics:

  • Soaring Confidence – You can now beam confidently, allowing your cheerful, outgoing personality to shine without self-conscious thoughts. This elevates your confidence in social and work settings.
  • Clearer Speech – Your ability to speak accurately and fluidly is restored as your tongue and lips can contact teeth properly during pronunciation.
  • Improved Chewing – You can now chew comfortably on both sides of your mouth. Implants allow you to bite and crush foods with ease so mealtimes are enjoyable again.
  • No More Discomfort – Implants fuse securely into the jawbone, so they don’t irritate surrounding gums or bone like removable dentures often do.
  • Added Convenience – Unlike removable solutions, implants are permanent and you never have to worry about adhesives or slippage. They function just like natural teeth.
  • Preserved Bone – The titanium posts halt bone loss in areas of your missing teeth. Your facial structure retains a youthful vibe.
  • Overall Health Gains – With enhanced chewing and nutrition, plus reduced inflammation, your physical health gets a boost too.

dental implant procedure san antonio tx


Caring for Dental Implants

Though highly durable, implants require diligent daily care to keep them in optimal condition. Be sure to:

  • Brush thoroughly around implants and crowns twice daily.
  • Floss daily to remove plaque from implant crowns and neighboring teeth.
  • Avoid sticky, hard foods that could loosen or damage crowns.
  • Quit smoking to prevent gum recession and oral cancer risks.
  • Get regular dental checkups – your dentist will examine implants and crowns closely.
  • Use recommended rinses – antimicrobial rinses help reduce bacteria around implants.

With meticulous daily cleaning and professional care, implants can last for decades and elevate your confidence daily!

Which One is the Best Restoration Method

Various tooth replacement implant options exist today. Which method is optimal for you?

Here are main choices for replacing lost teeth and key factors in deciding between them:

Dental Implants

Dental implants are small titanium posts surgically fused into the jawbone where they integrate. A visible crown attaches to the implanted post.


  • Look, feel and work like real teeth
  • Stop bone loss and promote bone growth
  • Permanent, stable solution
  • Maintain facial shape
  • Protect healthy teeth
  • High success rate
  • Can secure loose dentures


  • Higher initial cost
  • Minor surgery required
  • Healing period needed
  • Careful daily hygiene essential

Implants like Teeth-in-6-Hours technique, provide the most durable and comfortable natural tooth replacement. They best prevent bone loss and decay spread.

Dental Bridges

Bridges fill spaces from lost teeth by anchoring artificial teeth to neighboring natural teeth. Dental bridges are fixed and can’t be removed.


  • Close gaps from one or more lost teeth
  • Offer a permanent solution
  • Improve bite alignment
  • Restore facial contour
  • Boost speech clarity


  • Require reducing healthy anchoring teeth
  • Higher infection risk than implants
  • Can fail over time due to decay or gum inflammation
  • Less durable than implants

Bridges efficiently replace multiple lost teeth but rely on adjacent teeth for support. This accelerates their decay.

Removable Dentures

Partial or full dentures are removable devices with false teeth attached to a plastic base. Denture stability depends on suction and bone ridges.


  • Relatively affordable option
  • Rapid restoration after extractions
  • Enhance appearance
  • Help chewing and speech


  • Less comfortable than fixed solutions
  • Need denture glue for a tight fit
  • Accelerate bone loss over time
  • Higher irritation and infection risk
  • Can dislodge while eating or talking

Dentures offer quick, budget-friendly tooth replacement but are less stable than fixed solutions. Implant-retained dentures add security. Learn more about dental implants vs dentures here.

Which Solution Is Right for You?

The optimal tooth replacement method depends on factors like:

  • Number of teeth needing restoration
  • Condition of surrounding teeth
  • Health of jawbone
  • Lifestyle and oral hygiene routine
  • Restoration budget
  • Treatment timeframe

Discuss your unique needs with an experienced dentist. They can recommend the most suitable, effective solution for you, whether it’s a single implant or even all-on-4 implants.

Act Now!

At Fountain of Youth Dental, we know that you want to have a healthy smile that boosts your confidence.

Here’s how we do it with our dental implants procedure:

  1. For starters, the vibe is chill – none of that cold, sterile doctor’s office feel. You’re greeted by name and made to feel right at home from the moment you walk in.
  2. Dr. Cappetta takes time to listen and address all your questions and concerns without making you feel rushed or judged.
  3. He uses the latest techniques and tech so you have little to no pain during procedures.
  4. Lasers, sedation, 3D imaging – you name it, they got it to help you relax and have the best experience possible.

So if you’re looking for a dentist you can trust like family in San Antonio, give these people a shout. They’ll take good care of you and that million dollar smile. Schedule your free consultation today!

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Fountain of Youth Dental

Proudly serving San Antonio Tx.

Find out why everyone is talking about Fountain of Youth Dental and Dr. Chris Cappetta. Come in and see the great dental care we offer!

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210-614-5481  (office)


5282 Medical Dr. #520
San Antonio, TX 78229

Office Hours

Monday – 9:00 – 5:00
Tuesday – 9:00 – 5:00
Wednesday – 9:00 – 5:00
Thursday – 9:00 – 5:00
Friday – 10:00 – 2:00
Saturday & Sunday – Closed

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